Supporting help organisations across the world


beyond basic shelter

Homeless organisations

The relationship between helping organisations and the homeless community is vital. With our products, we aim to amplify this connection, giving tools to reach out and offer immediate assistance.


Supporting refugees

Refugee organisations play a pivotal role in rebuilding lives torn apart by conflict and displacement. Recognising the unique challenges faced in these environments, Sheltersuit Foundation is eager to work alongside refugee camp social workers.

Disaster and conflict

Disasters and conflicts leave thousands of people displaced and homeless. They are extremely vulnerable and in need of the most basic necessities. Sheltersuit Foundation is ready to help those affected by these tragic events. Together with crises response teams and with products designed as an emergency solution until more structural aid arrives.

That is the art in this work. Establishing trust. Sometimes a conversation is worth more than any pill.

- Theresa, Arztmobil team Caritas Berlin  -

Impact through meaningful partnerships

At Sheltersuit Foundation, we understand that working with people experiencing homelessness demands swift action, innovation and effective resources.

That’s why we've established partnerships with helping organisations, bringing dignified solutions to those who need it most.

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Bridging the gap

Join us in bridging the gap

If you work for a helping organisation, we invite you to collaborate with us. Together, we can provide comfort, safety, and hope to those who need it most.

Let's join hands in creating a world where everyone, no matter their circumstances, is treated with dignity and respect.

LYON © Tony Docekal-4

Support us to bridge the gap

We believe that everyone deserves warmth, protection, and dignity. That's why we fight to provide immediate protection to anyone sleeping outside. Because shelter is a human necessity.